
coincide with                                      동시에 일어나다

interdependent                                  상호의존적인

disparate                                             다른

derived from ~                                    ~에서 기인한    

replete with                                        ~로 가득찬, 충분한

nascent                                               초기의

contend                                              경쟁하다

eminence                                            명성

marshy                                                습지의

divert                                                   바꾸다

egalitarian                                          평등의

tubulent                                              난폭한

arduous = taxing                                힘든

brittle                                                  깨지기 쉬운

milieu                                                  환경

barter                                                  교역하다

the community at large                     전체 공동체

the public at large                              일반사회, 대중

conceive                                              시작하다. 일으키다

hand down                                         공표하다

despotic                                               절대군주의

vaunt                                                    자랑하다

unrest                                                   불안하다

loan were distributed at interest


exile                                                    망명자

persecution                                        박해

bizarre                                                시작하다. 일으키다

entice                                                  꾀다

serendipitous                                     우연한

fringe                                                  극단론자

allege                                                  강력히 주장하다

self-absorbed                                     자기자신에게만 몰두하는

strive                                                   노력하다

placate                                                달래다

absurdity                                             부조리

offshoot                                              파생적결과

intricate                                              복잡한

banal                                                   진부한

juxtaposition                                       병렬

herald                                                   알리다

burgeon                                               급성장하는

garner                                                   얻다

acclaim                                                  칭송하다, 환호를 보내다

'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

BBC Writing Homework  (0) 2012.05.03
BBCS 수업내용 4/19  (0) 2012.04.25
BBCS Writing Homework. Clarifying Request Practice.  (0) 2012.04.25
유용한 영어문구  (0) 2012.01.16
유용한 영어 문구(프레젠테이션)  (0) 2012.01.16

From : Ralph Burton
To: Sandy Dunn
Subject: Inquiry for details on advertising 

Dear Mr.Dunn

The managers decided to take the next step and I'd like you to do following things.
Could you please contact J.R. Pacific  and inquire about ad space on the inside and outside of trains, and on billboards or other available space in and around train stations?
Also, please inquire about advertising space on the outside of buses, and in and around bus stations to Grey Goose.

Ralph Burton

From : Joon Pil Park
To: Rob Thomas
Subject:Inquiry for research on successful advertising capaigns

Dear Mr.Thomas
I'd like to decide which place and method will be most cost effective for the advertising. So, could you please put together a study   of other successful advertising campaigns using the same approach? It could include public transport(train or bus) and publishing(magazines), etc.

Joon Pil Park

From : Semi Schilt
To: Mi Soon Choi
Subject: Consideration request
Dear Ms.Choi

To take the next step, I'd like you to contact the Ministry of Health and Welfare making a request for the consideration for approval of a visual design for public display.

Mi Soon Choi

From : Ju Hee Lee
To:Ji Hee Shin
Subject:A cost analysis inquiry

Managers now think it is time to take the next step. So I would like you to put together a cost analysis based on estimates received for all the companies contacted by Ms.Kim and Ms.Dunn.

Ji Hee Shin

'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

토플 단어 정리  (0) 2014.03.15
BBCS 수업내용 4/19  (0) 2012.04.25
BBCS Writing Homework. Clarifying Request Practice.  (0) 2012.04.25
유용한 영어문구  (0) 2012.01.16
유용한 영어 문구(프레젠테이션)  (0) 2012.01.16

business writing 논리 흐름 요약
1. meeting제안하기
언제 만났으면 좋겠습니다. 이런것에 대해서 이야기 하고 싶거든요. 이시간이 어떻습니까?

2.요청에 대응하기 - 될 수 있으면 신속하게 응답하는 것이 좋음
만날때 - 언제 어디가 좋은지 (2 p.m. wednesday at my office would be fine)
안 만날때- 미안하지만 안되는데요. 언제는 어떠세요?

3. 약속 바꾸기 (Changing arrangement)
미안한데 something has come up and I can't meet you on Thursday
I have to change my plans so our Thursday meeting isn't possible.
이런 이런 다른 시간은 어떠세요?
I'm very sorry about the inconvenience.
(만약에 이 약속 바꾸기에 응대해야 한다면?) It's no problem at all. I look forward to seeing you Friday at 11 a.m.

4. 제안하고 제안의 이유대기
나 이것에 대해서 제안할게 있어요(I have a proposal for our next annual sales meeting)
이런건 어때요?(How about~ ? I think we should, I propose that..)
왜 그게 좋냐면요(For one thing, One reason is that...)

5.  의견을 물어보기
Could you let me know what you think as soon as possible?
Could you let me have your opinion by Friday?
Could you let me have any comments before our next meeting?

6. 의견을 내기
좋은 생각 같은데요.
별론 인것 같아요 - I'm not sure (about the idea). Can I get back to you?
     돌려 말하기 - I don't think it's a (very) good idea.
                         I don't think it's such a good idea.
                         In my opinion, it's not the best idea.

7. 대안을 말하기
별로 좋은 생각이 아닌 것 같아요. 이유를 말한다. 대안 말하기(It might be better to ..., I think we should ..., I think it would be better to... )

8. 요청을 명확하게 하기
내가 당신이 요청한 정보를 주기 전에 몇가지 질문이 있어요. .....(질문). 질문에 대답해주시면 바로 연락드릴게요(I can assure you that once you answer these questions I will get right back to you)
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.

9. Instruction을 주기
Please carry out the following..
can you please..?
It would be appreciated if you could...

10. 상세사항을 주기
I'd like to inquire about...
I wish to make an inquiry a about...???
Could you please confirm...?
Could you please provide us with the following information?
Could you please check the following and get back to me?

'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

토플 단어 정리  (0) 2014.03.15
BBC Writing Homework  (0) 2012.05.03
BBCS Writing Homework. Clarifying Request Practice.  (0) 2012.04.25
유용한 영어문구  (0) 2012.01.16
유용한 영어 문구(프레젠테이션)  (0) 2012.01.16

From: Ralph Burton
To: Jack Kleineman
Subject : Clarifying your request on the initiative
Dear Mr.Kleineman,

I received your E-mail saying that you'd like to have my thoughts on the initiative.
Before I provide you the information you requested, I want to clarify a few things.
When is the deadline for this initiative? Also, could you please let me know if anything has been decided?

Last but not least, who is collaborating on this?
Thank you for taking time for answer this.

Ralph Burton

From: Bill Schroeder
To: Jack Kleineman
Subject: A few questions on your request
Dear Mr.Kleineman,

I have got your E-mail asking for my thoughts on the initiative.
Could I ask two questions about your request before I give you the information you required?
When is the launch date for this initiative? Also, What design company will be used?

I will get back to you as soon as I can be clear about this.

Bill Schroeder

From: Joon Pil Park
To: Jack Kleineman
Subject: Clarifying your request on the advertising initiatives
Dear Mr.Kleineman,

To respond your request correctly, could you be more specific about what kind of information you want?
Also, how soon is it needed?

I will get back to you after I get your answer.

Joon Pil Park

From: Semy Schilt
To: Jack Kleineman
Subject: A few questions on the advertising initiative
Dear Mr.Kleineman,

In order to provide the information your request correctly, could I ask several questions?
Who is going to lead the team? Also, I am wondering if we are coordinating with Government health regulations regarding warning labels in advertising?
Thank you for answering my questions.

Semy Schilt

From: Ju Hee Lee
To: Jack Kleineman
Dear Mr.Kleineman,

In order to provide the information your require, I'd like to clarify some facts.
Which department would be in charge of payment for this project and how much is the budget?
I will right get back to you as soon as I get this information

Ju Hee Lee

'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

토플 단어 정리  (0) 2014.03.15
BBC Writing Homework  (0) 2012.05.03
BBCS 수업내용 4/19  (0) 2012.04.25
유용한 영어문구  (0) 2012.01.16
유용한 영어 문구(프레젠테이션)  (0) 2012.01.16
- Over the course of ... ...하는동안
ex)over the course of this year, the number is going to grow into tens of thousands of factories.

- By the end of this year, 

<중요도 별 전개>
정치 연설 : 덜 중요한 것->더 중요한 것
회의/ 경제 : 더 중요한 것->덜 중요한 것

-in affiliation with... ...와 함께

<단계별 전개>
Must be addressed :언급되어져야 한다.
Let me add
I would say that
Background to this issue
The best way to illustrate this is....
make the following remarks

In coming 5 years : 다가오는 5년 내에
In the past decades : 지난 10년 동안
The ensuing ... years: 그 이후 ...동안

get start with
Rise gradually
Hit the bottom

come in the fop five(rank top five) : 상위 5개 안에 들다

marginally higher : 근소한 차이로 높은
what is the most important factor for ...?

How do we define...?

That brings me to my next question.

Have you contemplated why it is so?

The question (issue) is...

You have a good point there, but I don't think this is the place to discuss that...

According to the recent survey..
7 out of 10
As with the fist case:첫번째 경우와 같이
Another view worth considering
Let me see if I covered everything(뭐 말하던건지 기억이 안날 떄)
If you pay attention up here..

One of the most recognized company
업계 최고 : Second to none in the Korea
the fastest growing company

Up-and-coming :유망한
cutting edge technology : 최첨단 기술
Ambition, Goal, Vision 목표
Now, I'd like to go over...

take A to one's heel : 도망치다
be on the run : (범죄자가) 아직 안잡힌
AWOL(absent without official leave) 무단 이탈한
absolve A of B :A를 B에 대해서 용서하다.

abase oneself:자기 자신을 낮추다
taper off:decrease gradually
hold one's class in abeyance(수업을 중지하다)

amenity 편의 시설(=convenience)
eye chart 눈겁사 할 때 보는 차트


'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

토플 단어 정리  (0) 2014.03.15
BBC Writing Homework  (0) 2012.05.03
BBCS 수업내용 4/19  (0) 2012.04.25
BBCS Writing Homework. Clarifying Request Practice.  (0) 2012.04.25
유용한 영어 문구(프레젠테이션)  (0) 2012.01.16
- It is great pleasure to introduce myself to you all
- I will hand over the stage to Mr.Park
- On behalf of my department
- I would like to begin by
- warm welcome 

<청중의 관심끌기> - 청중에게 어떤 이익이 있는지 명료하게 어필한다
- We are the market leader in specially chemicals with over fifteen factories all over the world
- BJ chemicals is the leader in special coating material manufacture
- Tech today is an emerging player in telecommunication industry of Korea 
-A has grown into world wide operation with more than 1000 stores 

<목적 말하기>
- We are here today to decide on new marketing plan
- The purpose of today's presentation is....
- I'd like to take this opportunity to discuss the benefits of doing business with our company

<몬문의 요점 설명>
- I'd have divided my presentation into ...parts 
   - In the first part of my presentation, I'll show you several models....
   -After that, I would like to present...
   - Finally, I'll talk about many advantages we posess over our competitor

<발표 길이에 대한 안내>
-This presentation will take about ... minutes
- I will take about ...minutes of your time
- I plan to be brief
- I will speak for about 10 minutes


'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

토플 단어 정리  (0) 2014.03.15
BBC Writing Homework  (0) 2012.05.03
BBCS 수업내용 4/19  (0) 2012.04.25
BBCS Writing Homework. Clarifying Request Practice.  (0) 2012.04.25
유용한 영어문구  (0) 2012.01.16

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